ABOUT CT Jersey Cattle Club
We are the CT Jersey Cattle Club. Our membership includes breeders, and jersey enthusiasts. Each year the club sponsors the CT State Jersey show. We also serve as a network for CT Jersey breeders and anyone interested in Jerseys and Jersey products.
Connecticut is proud to be home to many show winning Jerseys. We are one of two states to have three Queen of Quality producers. These producers make award winning cheese, bottle milk, chocolate milk, yogurt, ice cream, and more. We encourage you to visit CT's Jersey farms to see and taste for yourself.
2019 CJCC Officers
Ginger Betti 860-307-8848 gbetti30@outlook.com
Amber McComas 860-989-5837 ambermccomas8@gmail.com
Arielle Betti 860-248-0780 ariellebetti@yahoo.com
Ruth Naples 860-301-2054 anaples@snet.net
Please consider joining the CT Jersey Cattle Club! We are looking to grow the local interest in the Jersey breed here in Connecticut.
Only $25 for a family membership for the year.
Fill out a membership application today!